2025 St. Patrick’s Day Parade


Mar 11, 2025

We were happy to be a “Dubliner” sponsor for the 2025 St. Patrick’s Day Parade in downtown Scranton. Our own Jude McDonough served as the color commentator with co-hosts Candice Kelly and Mark Hiller from WYOU/WBRE. It was bittersweet for him as this was his last parade as color commentator. Next year, he is excited (and nervous) to serve as President of the parade.

This year’s parade had much better weather than last year. The morning started off on a cold note with some snow squalls. However, by the time the parade stepped off at 11:45 a.m., the sun was shining, and the streets were filled with parade goers dressed in green. It was nice to see the people out of their homes and enjoying the parade after the long winter we had in Northeast PA. Jude was quoted at the end of the broadcast saying that he would gladly take the same weather next year. Let’s hope he gets his wish!

As always, it is an honor for us to be able to support important community events like the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. For more information about the parade including photos and sponsorship opportunities, please visit www.stpatparade.com.

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