Podcast- Community Spotlight: 20th Annual TecBRIDGE Business Plan Competition


Apr 12, 2022

For episode six, we are highlighting a great event being held by TecBRIDGE, an organization that is vital to the business community of Northeastern Pennsylvania. On Thursday April 21st, they will be hosting the 20th annual Business Plan Competition at the FM Kirby Center in downtown Wilkes-Barre. We had TecBRIDGE Executive Director Don Webster on to talk about the event, its history, and so much more. 

This competition is the region’s signature entrepreneurship and innovation event, and we were so impressed with the participants being showcased this year. Events like this help highlight the world class talent and the unlimited potential we have right here in our own backyard. TecBRIDGE’s slogan “Why not us? Why not here? Why not now?” captures their mission well. They want to cultivate a mindset for more people to dream big in Northeastern Pennsylvania, while providing resources to support them along the way. If you are interested in attending or learning more, please visit their website at tecbridgepa.org.

This far-ranging discussion can benefit anyone with an interest in entrepreneurship, or who wishes to see more dynamic economic growth in our region. We talked about Don’s journey from growing up in the Midwest, to graduating from the University of Chicago, to working on Wall Street, and finally to Northeastern PA where he and his family put their roots down. Don has built, sold, and invested in several businesses throughout his career, and brings that experience to his role at TecBRIDGE, where they provide guidance and resources to others trying to do those same things. Our firm has enjoyed getting involved in this event, as our goal is similar- We want to serve as trusted advisors to our clients by helping them make sound decisions so they can get where they want to go. We also want to provide resources that allow them to be better allocators of capital, whether it is at the business or household level. 

Don’s passion for the area and for helping people achieve their dreams is contagious. In this episode we talk about TecBRIDGE’s goal to help connect the business, education, and technology communities to drive innovation in Northeastern Pennsylvania in a cohesive way. He also shares strategic advice he gives aspiring founders and entrepreneurs that can apply to anyone, and how he views risk and opportunity when making major decisions in his own life. There was so much packed into this conversation, but be sure to listen to the end when Don reflects on advice he’d give his 22 year old self. We hope you enjoy this episode, and we will see you on April 21stat the Business Plan Competition Awards Event!


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