100 and Counting

News & Commentary

Aug 31, 2020

I am very proud to say that this is our 100th blog post and it has been just over 6 months. Being able to speak freely about what I think and share it with others was one of the many attractions for me to join a Registered Investment Advisor. When we started this blog, our team pledged to each other that we would consistently deliver objective financial content that will benefit our clients and investors.

We are grateful that the feedback has been very positive from our readers. Many have asked how we do it and how we find time.

In finance, there are always new topics to write about. We live in a 24-hour news cycle and that can be very overwhelming for people, especially when it comes to their investments. Our goal was and continues to be to share independent, unbiased thoughts in a way that our readers are able to understand. Many people can make impulsive decisions based on news events. In fact, many of our posts were inspired by conversations with our clients.

The time element can definitely be challenging. Thanks to Hal Elrod, author of “The Miracle Morning”, I have been maximizing the early morning hours for close to 6 years now after I read that book. I have chosen to incorporate writing and research time into my morning routine which has made me a better advisor to my clients. I feel more informed now than ever before and I can definitely attribute some of that to my commitment to writing.

Looking back at our blog, I was very happy with our accomplishments. In 6 short months, we’ve covered so many topics. We have talked about portfolio construction, risk management, tax planning, social security, and many other financial topics. We had quite a few articles about current events, especially when we were in the thick of the market selloff back in March. We had a couple of feel good posts about summer solstice and the Fourth of July and we even had the courage to talk about the election. The most common theme as I read through was market timing. We had multiple posts about that and also referenced it in many of our posts. If I were to guess, that will likely continue into our 200th post and beyond.

In closing, writing our blog has made the last 6 months even more interesting than it already would have been. When I focus on self improvement, one recurring piece of advice is to get out of my comfort zone. This was a great exercise in it for me. That advice is spot on because even though it was uncomfortable at first and still is at times, I’m really enjoying it. Thanks very much for reading and don’t be afraid to share with family and friends.


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